Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Time Anal

Hi Jeffrey,

To be honest, I am not that hard nosed about deadlines down to the minute for the DQs, nor any work in my class. I certainly do not possess the style of instruction in which I would mark something late because it was a few minutes late.

My focus is on getting you to engage in the big picture of how important Environmental Science is to in fact your daughter's and her daughter's generations, and onto yet at least the 7th Generation.

Science deserves to be learned under not so much fire. Relax into the subject. Content and quality of work impress me far more than whether you got something in exactly on time down to the minute.

Surely you don't plan on turning in things entire days late, that is when the late policy applies; and bear in mind, on checkpoints, this is only 3 points and on assignments, 10 points. Just keep these things in perspective and know that the final bears the greatest weight - 300 points.

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