Friday, December 4, 2009

Death by PowerPoint

Ideally PowerPoint Slides Graphics should be as symbolic and appealing as possible.

You can see on the grading rubric that I ask for one picture per slide with bulleted text that summarizes the speaker's notes.

Death by Power Point is a term being used by Power Point professionals for presentations that do not fully make use of imagery.

To appreciate this more fully, you can go to this link to watch a tutorial as to why it is so important.

When you get to the page the link above brings you to, you are looking for Brain Rule #10. You will notice your choice of rules floats, so either be patient while you re set the site, or be prepared to watch a few more of the short tutorials while you wait for the opportunity to select Rule #10.

Your next PowerPoint will be weighted much more heavily on having images on the slides so if you did not do this on your Week 4 presentation, be vigilant in making better efforts in the future.

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