Friday, October 2, 2009

Grades how can I do better

Hi Frank,

Good on you for working on ways on your end to bring those grades up. Another way to do this is to take one day and work ahead in order to turn work in early as a DRAFT. You must however type DRAFT in the subject line. When you do this, I will review your work before the deadline and you will then get the option to make adjustments to the work before you turn it in.

However, I do disclose pretty much how I am going to score work in advance by having made up grading rubrics. Students who review these as a careful 'packing or shopping list' before turning work in usually do pretty well in the class.

In this respect, you use the rubrics to grade your own work before you turn it in. The rubrics reflect years and years of what the 'A' students have done in their work to make them successful. When you pay close attention to these, you are in effect being given what it was those top students thought to include in their work given the same set of instructions in the Syllabus including paying attention to formatting, mechanics etc. for which I provide prompts/ or reminders for you to follow.

Working backwards by going back after the fact is strongly discouraged and I can give you no points back or extra credit per our contract. However, it is always prudent to read my line by line feedback and if you have any questions, copy and paste one item per post and we can review together.

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