Thursday, October 8, 2009

bad chat

Well that is good Marsha,

because sometimes we get what is considered passive aggressive behavior in that people will be having a hard time in the class and rather than ask for help will set off some surely unintended emotions by those who are struggling. Not everyone makes it through the course and so if the 'collective mind' in the course becomes 'this rotten class and this rotten instructor and this rotten school..." well it makes it even more difficult for those having a hard time with the class to direct their energies onto directions which would serve them best.

Sometimes I will see people post stories about how they realized something they had not but are now paying attention to because of what they are learning trying to be as positive and constructive as possible.

I normally do not even check the chat but sometimes I will have classes where people have come into the class with a background for which require a bit more structure and it at that point becomes an issue for which I pay much more attention to.

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