Hi Adrianna,
The best thing to do is to work down the grading rubric I sent back to you to make sure you understand why I deducted points.
Consequently, to work ahead, review the helping guides I make that are the grading rubrics and templates, and posts in the Main. Ask whatever questions you have about them a head of time and as earliest in the week as possible.
Overall, I sometimes find that once people begin taking those citations seriously, they begin integrating industry professionals work in as the results of studies and this greatly increases the depth of research, necessary content and focus in the paper.
What I noticed in your paper, and is a common issue in education today. is that what was needed was to have defined your terms. These definitions should come from your text, be cited just like we did in the Week 2 Checkpoint.
There is a learning phenomenon known as the 'misunderstood word.' Much work has shown that when there is little time invested in considering and working through the significance of a new term within the context of the industry in which it is to be used, there will indeed be a greater mental engagement that brings together that term and the concept being learned.
Had you seen that I had encouraged everyone to make use of the template I had made for the assignment? I have attached it here. Can you see that had you taken advantage of the template that it might have forced greater focus on each of the steps. I have a template for each paper and I hope you take advantage of them on future assignments.
Ideally, I would have seen all four steps as subtitles in the paper with a paragraph beneath each that defined the step and provided studies for and against.
If we begin with the introduction. Did you know that professional writers write their introductory paragraphs last?
The logic is...how can you introduce someone you do not know, or tell someone about a movie you have not seen?
Here is your introductory paragraph: Did you read How to Develop an Introduction that was posted in the Course Materials Forum? I have attached it here this post.
After reading the post on How to Develop an Introduction, try to mark in your paragraph here, the what? the so what? the how do you know what you know? and the what next? or could be call to action.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Wikipedia Answers etc
Also. be mindful of not using non academic sources such as Wikipedia. These types of secondary sources often result in biased information as the information can be changed by anyone at any time. There is actually a policy at Phoenix/ Axia not to use these sources and some instructors will automatically half the number of points possible if they see it.
If you cannot break the habit of going to use such sources, back track on their sites as to the original source, or ask whomever your facilitator is for a source suggestion.
If you cannot break the habit of going to use such sources, back track on their sites as to the original source, or ask whomever your facilitator is for a source suggestion.
Fancy front pages
Just a favor to ask of you. I understand that putting a beautiful cover on the front page of a document is seemingly a nice gesture, however, such creativity can result in an uncessesary extra scroll and the taking of additional memory. Lastly, in at least corporate America, such might be considered a deviation from the norm, and if you have ever spoken to hiring managers, they are looking for any opportunity to exclude you from the hiring pool as possible including fancy unasked for covers that may very well end up in the circular file.
Over Maximum word count
If we go over the count is there a penalty?
No. Although. TS Eliot once said, 'had I more time to write, I would have written less.' At any rate, it is so seldom that I see people going over in their word count so extensively that I have always just dismissed it and will not deduct points.
Can you explain what your scoring is for over the word count?
Once, someone wrote a 10 page paper when they were to write a 4 page paper at the most and so what I did was to send it back to them and tell them to cut it down before I would agree to read it. I did not deduct any points.
There will be plenty of other items in the course to be concerned with other than going over the word count. Do try to stay at about the desired count and know that I will not deduct for overage, however, for your own professionalism and or career - strive for economy and encapsulation of issues when appropriate, always supporting work with citations and references.
Is this okay? Do you have a history of going over the maximum word count? How have your other instructors handled this in the past?
No. Although. TS Eliot once said, 'had I more time to write, I would have written less.' At any rate, it is so seldom that I see people going over in their word count so extensively that I have always just dismissed it and will not deduct points.
Can you explain what your scoring is for over the word count?
Once, someone wrote a 10 page paper when they were to write a 4 page paper at the most and so what I did was to send it back to them and tell them to cut it down before I would agree to read it. I did not deduct any points.
There will be plenty of other items in the course to be concerned with other than going over the word count. Do try to stay at about the desired count and know that I will not deduct for overage, however, for your own professionalism and or career - strive for economy and encapsulation of issues when appropriate, always supporting work with citations and references.
Is this okay? Do you have a history of going over the maximum word count? How have your other instructors handled this in the past?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Holiday breaks vacation announcement
Hello Everyone,
Just posting my understanding of the up coming holidays. Let me know if you have any particular special needs around this can be hectic time.
No assignments due on Thanksgiving.
The winter break dates are below:
Classes that start prior to 12/21/09
Two-week break begins
Classes resume
UOPX Online Campus
School for Advanced Studies
Axia College
NOTE: There will be some UOPX Online Campus courses with a start date of 12/29/09 and Axia courses with a start date of 12/28/09. Those courses will not take a break.
Hi Charlene,
You are correct. When you return, it will have been as if no time had transpired. The 4th of January falls on a Monday which is our Day One. You can participate that day and then for Tuesday, turn in your DQ and ideally another participation, and so forth just as though we had never been on vacation.
Just posting my understanding of the up coming holidays. Let me know if you have any particular special needs around this can be hectic time.
No assignments due on Thanksgiving.
The winter break dates are below:
Classes that start prior to 12/21/09
Two-week break begins
Classes resume
UOPX Online Campus
School for Advanced Studies
Axia College
NOTE: There will be some UOPX Online Campus courses with a start date of 12/29/09 and Axia courses with a start date of 12/28/09. Those courses will not take a break.
Hi Charlene,
You are correct. When you return, it will have been as if no time had transpired. The 4th of January falls on a Monday which is our Day One. You can participate that day and then for Tuesday, turn in your DQ and ideally another participation, and so forth just as though we had never been on vacation.
Death by PowerPoint
Ideally PowerPoint Slides Graphics should be as symbolic and appealing as possible.
You can see on the grading rubric that I ask for one picture per slide with bulleted text that summarizes the speaker's notes.
Death by Power Point is a term being used by Power Point professionals for presentations that do not fully make use of imagery.
To appreciate this more fully, you can go to this link http://www.brainrules.net/film to watch a tutorial as to why it is so important.
When you get to the page the link above brings you to, you are looking for Brain Rule #10. You will notice your choice of rules floats, so either be patient while you re set the site, or be prepared to watch a few more of the short tutorials while you wait for the opportunity to select Rule #10.
Your next PowerPoint will be weighted much more heavily on having images on the slides so if you did not do this on your Week 4 presentation, be vigilant in making better efforts in the future.
You can see on the grading rubric that I ask for one picture per slide with bulleted text that summarizes the speaker's notes.
Death by Power Point is a term being used by Power Point professionals for presentations that do not fully make use of imagery.
To appreciate this more fully, you can go to this link http://www.brainrules.net/film to watch a tutorial as to why it is so important.
When you get to the page the link above brings you to, you are looking for Brain Rule #10. You will notice your choice of rules floats, so either be patient while you re set the site, or be prepared to watch a few more of the short tutorials while you wait for the opportunity to select Rule #10.
Your next PowerPoint will be weighted much more heavily on having images on the slides so if you did not do this on your Week 4 presentation, be vigilant in making better efforts in the future.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Time Anal
Hi Jeffrey,
To be honest, I am not that hard nosed about deadlines down to the minute for the DQs, nor any work in my class. I certainly do not possess the style of instruction in which I would mark something late because it was a few minutes late.
My focus is on getting you to engage in the big picture of how important Environmental Science is to in fact your daughter's and her daughter's generations, and onto yet at least the 7th Generation.
Science deserves to be learned under not so much fire. Relax into the subject. Content and quality of work impress me far more than whether you got something in exactly on time down to the minute.
Surely you don't plan on turning in things entire days late, that is when the late policy applies; and bear in mind, on checkpoints, this is only 3 points and on assignments, 10 points. Just keep these things in perspective and know that the final bears the greatest weight - 300 points.
To be honest, I am not that hard nosed about deadlines down to the minute for the DQs, nor any work in my class. I certainly do not possess the style of instruction in which I would mark something late because it was a few minutes late.
My focus is on getting you to engage in the big picture of how important Environmental Science is to in fact your daughter's and her daughter's generations, and onto yet at least the 7th Generation.
Science deserves to be learned under not so much fire. Relax into the subject. Content and quality of work impress me far more than whether you got something in exactly on time down to the minute.
Surely you don't plan on turning in things entire days late, that is when the late policy applies; and bear in mind, on checkpoints, this is only 3 points and on assignments, 10 points. Just keep these things in perspective and know that the final bears the greatest weight - 300 points.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Corn King
The price of food went from 50% to 15% in the 70s due to Jimmy Carter's Secretary of Agriculture who changed policies from paying farmers not to produce to producing too much!
Question FAQ paraphrase limits
Hi Adrianna,
That of course, is an excellent question. Paraphrasing is always a delicate situation because it is a gray area. Ideally, you would cite what you paraphrase.
So think that paraphrasing and more formal citing together should be about 15% of your work. Do not become paralyzed at the thought of this. Just try your best. Obviously, we want you to pass the class.
Be sure to run your plagiarism report and if over the 15%, go back over your work and try to think about how you can cut out the excess citations and how to perhaps bring your own personal experience into play to fill out the word requirements, you might be surprised at what you know!
That of course, is an excellent question. Paraphrasing is always a delicate situation because it is a gray area. Ideally, you would cite what you paraphrase.
So think that paraphrasing and more formal citing together should be about 15% of your work. Do not become paralyzed at the thought of this. Just try your best. Obviously, we want you to pass the class.
Be sure to run your plagiarism report and if over the 15%, go back over your work and try to think about how you can cut out the excess citations and how to perhaps bring your own personal experience into play to fill out the word requirements, you might be surprised at what you know!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Cheating Academic Violations
Hi xxxxx,
I just wanted you to have the same information that I have when I am working and assessing anyone's work. The language below is in effect at virtually any university. When any student graduates from any school, there is a code of honor in effect such that each student has worked through items such that they are turning in work that is the fruit of their own labor. If you were working more closely with me as I had recommended weeks ago, there would be no question as to what is being turned in as your work.
Just please be mindful that I work here as long as I have because I honor my word with the University and they honor theirs in turn with me. This is how healthy relationships work. This is my role with you, to be here to assist you however, I have yet to get a content related question from you.
Consider this post accompanied by the clear description of what an academic violation is as a formal warning.
I am happy to work with you on any remaining work. You will be allowed to turn in the assignment I assigned you in our Syllabus until Wednesday evening. After that, the 4 late days will have expired and the 30 point checkpoint will not be worth enough points to turn in, and also per our Syllabus, I may not accept.
As is, each day is a deduction of 3 points for being late and so 9 points will already be deducted. It may be a good idea simply to move onto Week 8 as any checkpoint is really only 3 percent of your overall grade in this class. I would like to see you focus on your final and do a great job on that since its weight it 300 points, or more than three times and Assignment due Sundays.
You can find the passage below in your Student Handbook, page 2.
University of Phoenix, 2008-2009
Student Code of Academic Integrity
University of Phoenix is an academic community whose fundamental mission is the pursuit of intellectual growth.
Achievement of this mission is dependent upon the development of autonomous thought and respect for the ideas of others.
Academic dishonesty threatens the integrity of individual students as well as the University’s academic community. By
virtue of membership in the University’s academic community, students accept a responsibility to abide by this Student
Code of Academic Integrity, which is a part of the Student Code of Conduct.
Academic integrity violations include all forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to:
a. Plagiarism – Intentional or unintentional representation of another’s words or ideas as one’s own in an academic exercise.
Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to:
• The exact copy of information from a source without proper citation and without use of quotation marks or block
quotation formatting. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the
student’s original words or ideas, the student must distinguish them with quotation marks or a freestanding, indented
block quotation (for a quotation of 40 or more words), followed by the appropriate citation in accordance with the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. When a student copies information from a source, he
or she must acknowledge the source with quotation marks or block quotes irrespective of whether or not the source
has been formally published.
• Paraphrasing statements, paragraphs, or other bodies of work without proper citation using someone else’s ideas,
data, language, and/or arguments without acknowledgement.
• Presenting work as the student’s own that has been prepared in whole or part by someone other than that particular
student. This includes the purchase and/or sharing of work.
• Failure to properly cite and reference statistics, data, or other sources of information that are used in one’s submission.
b. Self-plagiarism, double dipping, or dovetailing – Submission of work that has been prepared for a different course without
fair citation of the original work and prior approval of faculty.
Students who submit assignments that were previously submitted in another course are subject to the same consequences
they would face if they plagiarized these assignments. The use of one’s previous work in an assignment requires prior approval
from the current faculty member and citation of the previous work.
c. Fabrication – Falsification or invention of any information, citation, data, or document.
This includes the invention or alteration of data or results, or relying on another source’s results in any assignment without
proper acknowledgement of that source. Fabrication includes citing sources that the student has not actually used or consulted.
d. Unauthorized Assistance – Use of materials or information not authorized by the faculty member to complete an academic
exercise, or the completion of an academic exercise by someone other than the student.
Students must rely upon their own abilities and refrain from obtaining assistance in any manner that faculty does not explicitly
allow. This includes but is not limited to providing or receiving answers to an exam, use of faculty materials or answer
keys, or a student having someone take his or her exam.
e. Copyright infringement – Acquisition or use of copyrighted works without appropriate legal license or permission.
f. Misrepresentation – Falsely representing the student’s situation to faculty when (1) justifying an absence or the need for a
complete grade; or (2) requesting a makeup exam, a special due date, or extension of a syllabus or class deadline for submitting
a course requirement.
g. Collusion – Helping or allowing another student to commit any act of academic dishonesty.
Procedure for Processing Alleged Violations of the Student Code of Conduct:
A. Alleged Violations:
1. An alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct, unless related to student records, shall be forwarded in
writing to the Campus Director of Academic Affairs, the Campus Director of Operations, or their designee.
2. An alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct that relates to student records shall be forwarded in writing
to the Registrar.
3. All alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to a fair and impartial process in
determining whether or not a violation has occurred.
I just wanted you to have the same information that I have when I am working and assessing anyone's work. The language below is in effect at virtually any university. When any student graduates from any school, there is a code of honor in effect such that each student has worked through items such that they are turning in work that is the fruit of their own labor. If you were working more closely with me as I had recommended weeks ago, there would be no question as to what is being turned in as your work.
Just please be mindful that I work here as long as I have because I honor my word with the University and they honor theirs in turn with me. This is how healthy relationships work. This is my role with you, to be here to assist you however, I have yet to get a content related question from you.
Consider this post accompanied by the clear description of what an academic violation is as a formal warning.
I am happy to work with you on any remaining work. You will be allowed to turn in the assignment I assigned you in our Syllabus until Wednesday evening. After that, the 4 late days will have expired and the 30 point checkpoint will not be worth enough points to turn in, and also per our Syllabus, I may not accept.
As is, each day is a deduction of 3 points for being late and so 9 points will already be deducted. It may be a good idea simply to move onto Week 8 as any checkpoint is really only 3 percent of your overall grade in this class. I would like to see you focus on your final and do a great job on that since its weight it 300 points, or more than three times and Assignment due Sundays.
You can find the passage below in your Student Handbook, page 2.
University of Phoenix, 2008-2009
Student Code of Academic Integrity
University of Phoenix is an academic community whose fundamental mission is the pursuit of intellectual growth.
Achievement of this mission is dependent upon the development of autonomous thought and respect for the ideas of others.
Academic dishonesty threatens the integrity of individual students as well as the University’s academic community. By
virtue of membership in the University’s academic community, students accept a responsibility to abide by this Student
Code of Academic Integrity, which is a part of the Student Code of Conduct.
Academic integrity violations include all forms of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to:
a. Plagiarism – Intentional or unintentional representation of another’s words or ideas as one’s own in an academic exercise.
Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to:
• The exact copy of information from a source without proper citation and without use of quotation marks or block
quotation formatting. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the
student’s original words or ideas, the student must distinguish them with quotation marks or a freestanding, indented
block quotation (for a quotation of 40 or more words), followed by the appropriate citation in accordance with the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. When a student copies information from a source, he
or she must acknowledge the source with quotation marks or block quotes irrespective of whether or not the source
has been formally published.
• Paraphrasing statements, paragraphs, or other bodies of work without proper citation using someone else’s ideas,
data, language, and/or arguments without acknowledgement.
• Presenting work as the student’s own that has been prepared in whole or part by someone other than that particular
student. This includes the purchase and/or sharing of work.
• Failure to properly cite and reference statistics, data, or other sources of information that are used in one’s submission.
b. Self-plagiarism, double dipping, or dovetailing – Submission of work that has been prepared for a different course without
fair citation of the original work and prior approval of faculty.
Students who submit assignments that were previously submitted in another course are subject to the same consequences
they would face if they plagiarized these assignments. The use of one’s previous work in an assignment requires prior approval
from the current faculty member and citation of the previous work.
c. Fabrication – Falsification or invention of any information, citation, data, or document.
This includes the invention or alteration of data or results, or relying on another source’s results in any assignment without
proper acknowledgement of that source. Fabrication includes citing sources that the student has not actually used or consulted.
d. Unauthorized Assistance – Use of materials or information not authorized by the faculty member to complete an academic
exercise, or the completion of an academic exercise by someone other than the student.
Students must rely upon their own abilities and refrain from obtaining assistance in any manner that faculty does not explicitly
allow. This includes but is not limited to providing or receiving answers to an exam, use of faculty materials or answer
keys, or a student having someone take his or her exam.
e. Copyright infringement – Acquisition or use of copyrighted works without appropriate legal license or permission.
f. Misrepresentation – Falsely representing the student’s situation to faculty when (1) justifying an absence or the need for a
complete grade; or (2) requesting a makeup exam, a special due date, or extension of a syllabus or class deadline for submitting
a course requirement.
g. Collusion – Helping or allowing another student to commit any act of academic dishonesty.
Procedure for Processing Alleged Violations of the Student Code of Conduct:
A. Alleged Violations:
1. An alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct, unless related to student records, shall be forwarded in
writing to the Campus Director of Academic Affairs, the Campus Director of Operations, or their designee.
2. An alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct that relates to student records shall be forwarded in writing
to the Registrar.
3. All alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct shall be subject to a fair and impartial process in
determining whether or not a violation has occurred.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
So what?
I think I hear you, Joh -
The writing and content are generally correct and so there is no real correcting to do, however the meaning, motive and motion are flat and dull.
To this, in walks my advisor from UCSC. His biggest question was always So What? !
That would always get my little ticker thumping sufficiently to make the connection and those little electrons zooming up to my brain to shake me onto additional levels of consciousness to get me to make more connections between my work and how it was relatable and meaningful and in what ways to whom, what and how.
The writing and content are generally correct and so there is no real correcting to do, however the meaning, motive and motion are flat and dull.
To this, in walks my advisor from UCSC. His biggest question was always So What? !
That would always get my little ticker thumping sufficiently to make the connection and those little electrons zooming up to my brain to shake me onto additional levels of consciousness to get me to make more connections between my work and how it was relatable and meaningful and in what ways to whom, what and how.
Monday, November 9, 2009
cite why we do it
Why do we cite and or reference our sources in college
A major concept of why we cite in college, rather than just take personal opinions or feelings about things when what is being asked for are the results of studies and or opinions of recognized industry experts, is that someone has vetted their information through the academic processes.
If the information you took was the fruit of someone else's research and an academic gauntlet; not only do we need to credit that source and or those people because each may have a unique background or bias or procedure for which help decipher that truth. If we know who the source is, we can verify the information through that filter. For example, if the genetically modified organism industry fights against the labeling of GMOs in our food supply, we cannot rule out the profit incentive when trying to learn the truth. 'Consider the Source.'
Another reason why we cite, is so that I can verify that the information you are bringing to the course is a bonifide academic source, because we are an academic institution. And yes, that too, carries it's own bias; however it is a chosen bias because one has volunteered and pursued such an academic endeavor as a college degree.
Still, a popular reason is for copyright reasons. And there are more, it is just that these are the basic reasons for getting into the habit of establishing your sources.
A major concept of why we cite in college, rather than just take personal opinions or feelings about things when what is being asked for are the results of studies and or opinions of recognized industry experts, is that someone has vetted their information through the academic processes.
If the information you took was the fruit of someone else's research and an academic gauntlet; not only do we need to credit that source and or those people because each may have a unique background or bias or procedure for which help decipher that truth. If we know who the source is, we can verify the information through that filter. For example, if the genetically modified organism industry fights against the labeling of GMOs in our food supply, we cannot rule out the profit incentive when trying to learn the truth. 'Consider the Source.'
Another reason why we cite, is so that I can verify that the information you are bringing to the course is a bonifide academic source, because we are an academic institution. And yes, that too, carries it's own bias; however it is a chosen bias because one has volunteered and pursued such an academic endeavor as a college degree.
Still, a popular reason is for copyright reasons. And there are more, it is just that these are the basic reasons for getting into the habit of establishing your sources.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
bad chat
Well that is good Marsha,
because sometimes we get what is considered passive aggressive behavior in that people will be having a hard time in the class and rather than ask for help will set off some surely unintended emotions by those who are struggling. Not everyone makes it through the course and so if the 'collective mind' in the course becomes 'this rotten class and this rotten instructor and this rotten school..." well it makes it even more difficult for those having a hard time with the class to direct their energies onto directions which would serve them best.
Sometimes I will see people post stories about how they realized something they had not but are now paying attention to because of what they are learning trying to be as positive and constructive as possible.
I normally do not even check the chat but sometimes I will have classes where people have come into the class with a background for which require a bit more structure and it at that point becomes an issue for which I pay much more attention to.
because sometimes we get what is considered passive aggressive behavior in that people will be having a hard time in the class and rather than ask for help will set off some surely unintended emotions by those who are struggling. Not everyone makes it through the course and so if the 'collective mind' in the course becomes 'this rotten class and this rotten instructor and this rotten school..." well it makes it even more difficult for those having a hard time with the class to direct their energies onto directions which would serve them best.
Sometimes I will see people post stories about how they realized something they had not but are now paying attention to because of what they are learning trying to be as positive and constructive as possible.
I normally do not even check the chat but sometimes I will have classes where people have come into the class with a background for which require a bit more structure and it at that point becomes an issue for which I pay much more attention to.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Reference your text
Many of you are just getting used to referencing your text. Know that for each course you take at AXIA/ Phoenix, the APA version of your hard cover text is always on page 3 of the Syllabus: See?
Berg & Hager (2007). Visualizing Environmental Science. Hoboken, N.J. John Wiley & Sons.
Notice the basic recipe. Author (year). Title. City/ State of publishing. Publisher.
For my classes, just using this reference will be fine. And rather than re typing this all the time, I just keep it in a word document that I keep a shortcut to on my desktop.
Have you noticed how having to include a citation and a reference requires you to read your assigned reading? Formatting is not just cosmetic, it requires you to research and include academic level input from individuals who have actually worked and published in the industry as recognized 'industry experts.'
Berg & Hager (2007). Visualizing Environmental Science. Hoboken, N.J. John Wiley & Sons.
Notice the basic recipe. Author (year). Title. City/ State of publishing. Publisher.
For my classes, just using this reference will be fine. And rather than re typing this all the time, I just keep it in a word document that I keep a shortcut to on my desktop.
Have you noticed how having to include a citation and a reference requires you to read your assigned reading? Formatting is not just cosmetic, it requires you to research and include academic level input from individuals who have actually worked and published in the industry as recognized 'industry experts.'
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Citing and Referencing Tutorial
Citing and Referencing Tutorial
Excellent- once we work through citing and referencing together, it becomes a habit, and you will love what it does to increase the substance and content of any work as it requires more research than just telling us only your opinion.
So our tutorial is old fashioned in that I have no fancy computer tutorial - it will just be us.
We are going to begin by doing your Week 6 checkpoint together. You need to choose 3 fresh water issues and 3 ocean water issues:
To select a freshwater issue read Chapter 10 Freshwater Resources and Water Pollution, page 249.
Type of Water Pollution Table 10.2 or from the following list: Flooding, Aquifer Depletion, Overdrawing surface water, Saltwater intrusion and salinization or eutrophication.
To select an ocean issue read Chapter 11 page 275, Figure 11.12, ( in your e book this is subsection 11.3) an overview of major threats to the ocean.
After you have selected your first freshwater issue, I want you to find one or a few sentences in your assigned reading that describe a freshwater issue and re type right here those collections of sentences that contain a fact that is ideally the result of a study or some statistic.
Give me those sentences as a response to this post. Use the page numbers above to help you find them.
Excellent- once we work through citing and referencing together, it becomes a habit, and you will love what it does to increase the substance and content of any work as it requires more research than just telling us only your opinion.
So our tutorial is old fashioned in that I have no fancy computer tutorial - it will just be us.
We are going to begin by doing your Week 6 checkpoint together. You need to choose 3 fresh water issues and 3 ocean water issues:
To select a freshwater issue read Chapter 10 Freshwater Resources and Water Pollution, page 249.
Type of Water Pollution Table 10.2 or from the following list: Flooding, Aquifer Depletion, Overdrawing surface water, Saltwater intrusion and salinization or eutrophication.
To select an ocean issue read Chapter 11 page 275, Figure 11.12, ( in your e book this is subsection 11.3) an overview of major threats to the ocean.
After you have selected your first freshwater issue, I want you to find one or a few sentences in your assigned reading that describe a freshwater issue and re type right here those collections of sentences that contain a fact that is ideally the result of a study or some statistic.
Give me those sentences as a response to this post. Use the page numbers above to help you find them.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Grades how can I do better
Hi Frank,
Good on you for working on ways on your end to bring those grades up. Another way to do this is to take one day and work ahead in order to turn work in early as a DRAFT. You must however type DRAFT in the subject line. When you do this, I will review your work before the deadline and you will then get the option to make adjustments to the work before you turn it in.
However, I do disclose pretty much how I am going to score work in advance by having made up grading rubrics. Students who review these as a careful 'packing or shopping list' before turning work in usually do pretty well in the class.
In this respect, you use the rubrics to grade your own work before you turn it in. The rubrics reflect years and years of what the 'A' students have done in their work to make them successful. When you pay close attention to these, you are in effect being given what it was those top students thought to include in their work given the same set of instructions in the Syllabus including paying attention to formatting, mechanics etc. for which I provide prompts/ or reminders for you to follow.
Working backwards by going back after the fact is strongly discouraged and I can give you no points back or extra credit per our contract. However, it is always prudent to read my line by line feedback and if you have any questions, copy and paste one item per post and we can review together.
Good on you for working on ways on your end to bring those grades up. Another way to do this is to take one day and work ahead in order to turn work in early as a DRAFT. You must however type DRAFT in the subject line. When you do this, I will review your work before the deadline and you will then get the option to make adjustments to the work before you turn it in.
However, I do disclose pretty much how I am going to score work in advance by having made up grading rubrics. Students who review these as a careful 'packing or shopping list' before turning work in usually do pretty well in the class.
In this respect, you use the rubrics to grade your own work before you turn it in. The rubrics reflect years and years of what the 'A' students have done in their work to make them successful. When you pay close attention to these, you are in effect being given what it was those top students thought to include in their work given the same set of instructions in the Syllabus including paying attention to formatting, mechanics etc. for which I provide prompts/ or reminders for you to follow.
Working backwards by going back after the fact is strongly discouraged and I can give you no points back or extra credit per our contract. However, it is always prudent to read my line by line feedback and if you have any questions, copy and paste one item per post and we can review together.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
ivory tower
Wow! Thx Amanda -
The ivory tower is a term used throughout history from which access was prevented to the world of the 'educated', often a term conflagrated for good reason with the term the elite and for which an entire millennia of class have reinforced. - That term implied an intentional prevention on the part of the privileged taking advantage of those who are otherwise allowed in for reasons other than those which are both intellectually honest as well as short sighted because our civilization is only as strong as our ability or willfulness to keep extending intellectual fruits to all.
Hopefully, the ivory tower, is not in effect at AXIA- in fact it would be better to believe those said instructors were simply not aware or not actively being asked to provide more accountability in the online environment for which in its infancy, is likely to perhaps for some time continue to promise the sensation of working in the dark until greater technology can be implemented!
The ivory tower is a term used throughout history from which access was prevented to the world of the 'educated', often a term conflagrated for good reason with the term the elite and for which an entire millennia of class have reinforced. - That term implied an intentional prevention on the part of the privileged taking advantage of those who are otherwise allowed in for reasons other than those which are both intellectually honest as well as short sighted because our civilization is only as strong as our ability or willfulness to keep extending intellectual fruits to all.
Hopefully, the ivory tower, is not in effect at AXIA- in fact it would be better to believe those said instructors were simply not aware or not actively being asked to provide more accountability in the online environment for which in its infancy, is likely to perhaps for some time continue to promise the sensation of working in the dark until greater technology can be implemented!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Veteran stress
Hi Joe,
Sorry to hear this. Our world is full of changes and shocks, with emphasis on the latter particularly lately.
I see you identify yourself as a veteran.
The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America like to refer persons to the National Veterans Foundation, where you can call and speak with a counselor 1-888-777- 4443 http://www.nvf.org/?sm=1
I do not know what city you are in, but encourage you to find some source to shadow you through these things, they are quite common and as long as people do not talk about them or seek guidance, they fester and grow and become something they need not be.
Another thing to do is to find a bookstore in which there are 'readers' - who knows what means they use but there are book stores in at least in some cities where you can come in, and speak to someone usually for a modest fee in return for a meaningful counseling session.
OF course, various religions offer various support as well.
We have entire publications and 'healing fairs' out here on the west coast where you can search thru individuals trained in 'coaching' and or various forms of therapeutic benefits for which will. You can also search for 'professional coaches' for example....
The founder of Phoenix University wrote a book called Rebel with a Cause http://www.play.com/Books/Books/4-/2005091/Product.html?source=9593 in which he details the hurdles he underwent during his many tranformations into whom he is now...the person who made all this life long learning available to us.
It is healthy to reach out for help. At all the universities I have been to we were always encouraged to seek out either individual or group therapy of some kind, even if its just to go bowling :)
As for divorce, I often tell students to check out this now 'old' movie Educating Rita - a story about how college changes the sphere of awareness in individuals and causes breaks in relationships as the other person is not keeping pace with you. It is common at on ground universities to offer group support regarding relationships. This is very common, but does not certainly make it less painful.
You will get through this. Keep things in perspective the best you can.
National Veterans Foundation Speak with a counselor 1-888-777- 4443 http://www.nvf.org/?sm=1
VA WatchDog.org http://www.vawatchdog.org/ Larry Scott, founder at larrys@vawatchdog.org.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Can join Social Network with submission of certain information p: 202-544-7692 http://iava.org/membership
Sorry to hear this. Our world is full of changes and shocks, with emphasis on the latter particularly lately.
I see you identify yourself as a veteran.
The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America like to refer persons to the National Veterans Foundation, where you can call and speak with a counselor 1-888-777- 4443 http://www.nvf.org/?sm=1
I do not know what city you are in, but encourage you to find some source to shadow you through these things, they are quite common and as long as people do not talk about them or seek guidance, they fester and grow and become something they need not be.
Another thing to do is to find a bookstore in which there are 'readers' - who knows what means they use but there are book stores in at least in some cities where you can come in, and speak to someone usually for a modest fee in return for a meaningful counseling session.
OF course, various religions offer various support as well.
We have entire publications and 'healing fairs' out here on the west coast where you can search thru individuals trained in 'coaching' and or various forms of therapeutic benefits for which will. You can also search for 'professional coaches' for example....
The founder of Phoenix University wrote a book called Rebel with a Cause http://www.play.com/Books/Books/4-/2005091/Product.html?source=9593 in which he details the hurdles he underwent during his many tranformations into whom he is now...the person who made all this life long learning available to us.
It is healthy to reach out for help. At all the universities I have been to we were always encouraged to seek out either individual or group therapy of some kind, even if its just to go bowling :)
As for divorce, I often tell students to check out this now 'old' movie Educating Rita - a story about how college changes the sphere of awareness in individuals and causes breaks in relationships as the other person is not keeping pace with you. It is common at on ground universities to offer group support regarding relationships. This is very common, but does not certainly make it less painful.
You will get through this. Keep things in perspective the best you can.
National Veterans Foundation Speak with a counselor 1-888-777- 4443 http://www.nvf.org/?sm=1
VA WatchDog.org http://www.vawatchdog.org/ Larry Scott, founder at larrys@vawatchdog.org.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Can join Social Network with submission of certain information p: 202-544-7692 http://iava.org/membership
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Refuse to use template
To document our phone call today.
Hello Gary,
Thank you for calling back so promptly. As I said on the phone, I have made the small amount of APA required for this course as easy as brushing your teeth. I am required to grade anything you turn in but if you are going to take yourself seriously at any professional place of work or university, respect for specialized proper protocol will always need to be met although varying in form from institution to institution.
My offer is for you to either nudge me thru direct email to see if I am available or to make an appointment so that both of us are on the computer or both on the computer and the phone at the same time to work on this.
All you will do is download the template. Quit the application. Find the document. Open both that template and your work so far and then copy and paste the content over from your paper onto the template and attach into a post into your IF.
This simple step will begin the world of possibilities for you. You will see your work in a different light. You will begin to take your own work more seriously. These are lessons for which apply to higher levels of sophistication from which will benefit no matter what you do.
You did nothing you have learned so far at the University is applicable to Criminal Justice and that you just learned how to use a computer last year.
These are issues for which can be easily refuted as reasons for not doing your best and continuing on to greater and greater challenges for a better life and a better world. The world is complex.
Certainly, whomever your subjects will be in your future work in Criminal Justice will be looking towards your leadership as an adult for whom life long learning is valued.
In summary, direct email me to see if I am online so we can work together, or leave me an appointment time in which we can work together.
Hello Gary,
Thank you for calling back so promptly. As I said on the phone, I have made the small amount of APA required for this course as easy as brushing your teeth. I am required to grade anything you turn in but if you are going to take yourself seriously at any professional place of work or university, respect for specialized proper protocol will always need to be met although varying in form from institution to institution.
My offer is for you to either nudge me thru direct email to see if I am available or to make an appointment so that both of us are on the computer or both on the computer and the phone at the same time to work on this.
All you will do is download the template. Quit the application. Find the document. Open both that template and your work so far and then copy and paste the content over from your paper onto the template and attach into a post into your IF.
This simple step will begin the world of possibilities for you. You will see your work in a different light. You will begin to take your own work more seriously. These are lessons for which apply to higher levels of sophistication from which will benefit no matter what you do.
You did nothing you have learned so far at the University is applicable to Criminal Justice and that you just learned how to use a computer last year.
These are issues for which can be easily refuted as reasons for not doing your best and continuing on to greater and greater challenges for a better life and a better world. The world is complex.
Certainly, whomever your subjects will be in your future work in Criminal Justice will be looking towards your leadership as an adult for whom life long learning is valued.
In summary, direct email me to see if I am online so we can work together, or leave me an appointment time in which we can work together.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Grading Rubric Answers vs Hints
Hi Sheena,
It does not say to list the four steps, it says consider what the four steps are so you are able to answer the question, therefore I did not list those steps.
Well...we are getting to the point where an hint actually becomes me giving you the answers and doing your work for you. Instinctively the typical 'A' student will think that 'consider' does mean in writing a response that your wording would reflect as evidence that you did indeed consider the information. Certainly, I cannot give you points for thinking that maybe you considered the steps. Had you considered the steps in your answer, they would have been in the paper since this is the only way we communicate - in writing.
The grading rubrics are big hints as to what the best student work has reflected in the past and this is the challenge I have on this end of the computer, getting you to value and appreciate to greater depths an innate curiosity from you in this case, how Darwin's theory works. I literally tip toe a fine line when I offer these 'hints' as at some point, I would simply be giving you the answers to what ideally you will be reading in your assigned reading and making the connection between your work and what you were to have read.
It does not say to list the four steps, it says consider what the four steps are so you are able to answer the question, therefore I did not list those steps.
Well...we are getting to the point where an hint actually becomes me giving you the answers and doing your work for you. Instinctively the typical 'A' student will think that 'consider' does mean in writing a response that your wording would reflect as evidence that you did indeed consider the information. Certainly, I cannot give you points for thinking that maybe you considered the steps. Had you considered the steps in your answer, they would have been in the paper since this is the only way we communicate - in writing.
The grading rubrics are big hints as to what the best student work has reflected in the past and this is the challenge I have on this end of the computer, getting you to value and appreciate to greater depths an innate curiosity from you in this case, how Darwin's theory works. I literally tip toe a fine line when I offer these 'hints' as at some point, I would simply be giving you the answers to what ideally you will be reading in your assigned reading and making the connection between your work and what you were to have read.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Too stupid to use a template APA
Okay Tomas,
Much nicer, though we still have to label the 4 steps of the risk analysis that we read about in our assigned reading and for which the instructions in the Syllabus say to work through and how they are broken down on the grading rubric and template, which is attached.
See the attached. Imagine that the xxxxxxxx's beneath the mini headings in the template are sentences. Well you need to replace those x's with the matching content from your paper that should go beneath that heading. The reason there are mini headings is because the assignment was about using a 4 step method to help you reach a decision.
So for each heading, you were to research information and studies found on Malathion and then at the end of doing all these 4 steps of research, the correct answer regarding whether to apply it or not will be clear.
I always say it is easier to download the template to your desktop than to re format your paper each time and in this class, I have even put in the subtitles into the templates to help you keep your content on track.
How to work with a template:
Open the template attached and do a 'file save as'. Save the file as 'SCI 275 Week 2 Assignment.'
Then close out of the post you downloaded the template from and close out of Word.
Now, find the file that you downloaded and saved as 'SCI 275 Week 2 Assignment' and open it.
Type over 'Example Student' to change the wording to your name.
Then, take the content from the document you have already typed, and copy and paste those paragraphs over the xxxxxxxxxx's beneath the same subtitles in the template under where it would make sense. For example. if each subtitle in the template were the colors blue black red and green, which content from what you have already typed would match each of those four colors.
Now you have both a generic desktop APA formatted document that you can use for the rest of your years at AXIA; as well as a well formatted Assignment Two that I can read easily and find what I am looking for.
In my classes, I supply you with a template for each APA assignment and encourage you to use those. It only takes 5 minutes to match your content with the four subheadings...unless of course you did not research your content using the 4 step risk analysis, which means you either did not read your assigned reading or need help understanding it. IF so, ask for help and or just try your best on this paper and get it in and look forward to another opportunity in next week's work.
Much nicer, though we still have to label the 4 steps of the risk analysis that we read about in our assigned reading and for which the instructions in the Syllabus say to work through and how they are broken down on the grading rubric and template, which is attached.
See the attached. Imagine that the xxxxxxxx's beneath the mini headings in the template are sentences. Well you need to replace those x's with the matching content from your paper that should go beneath that heading. The reason there are mini headings is because the assignment was about using a 4 step method to help you reach a decision.
So for each heading, you were to research information and studies found on Malathion and then at the end of doing all these 4 steps of research, the correct answer regarding whether to apply it or not will be clear.
I always say it is easier to download the template to your desktop than to re format your paper each time and in this class, I have even put in the subtitles into the templates to help you keep your content on track.
How to work with a template:
Open the template attached and do a 'file save as'. Save the file as 'SCI 275 Week 2 Assignment.'
Then close out of the post you downloaded the template from and close out of Word.
Now, find the file that you downloaded and saved as 'SCI 275 Week 2 Assignment' and open it.
Type over 'Example Student' to change the wording to your name.
Then, take the content from the document you have already typed, and copy and paste those paragraphs over the xxxxxxxxxx's beneath the same subtitles in the template under where it would make sense. For example. if each subtitle in the template were the colors blue black red and green, which content from what you have already typed would match each of those four colors.
Now you have both a generic desktop APA formatted document that you can use for the rest of your years at AXIA; as well as a well formatted Assignment Two that I can read easily and find what I am looking for.
In my classes, I supply you with a template for each APA assignment and encourage you to use those. It only takes 5 minutes to match your content with the four subheadings...unless of course you did not research your content using the 4 step risk analysis, which means you either did not read your assigned reading or need help understanding it. IF so, ask for help and or just try your best on this paper and get it in and look forward to another opportunity in next week's work.
APA Reference Recipe
2. Format the references using this simple recipe
a. author (year of published), title, place of publishing, and the publisher.
b. If an electronic source, the same as above except that in lieu of place of publisher and publisher, you type in a new sentence> Retrieved month, day, year from http:www.dajfkdjfljf.html
If you cannot find the author, you can write N.A. for 'No author'.
If you cannot find the date, you can write N.D. for 'No date'.
a. author (year of published), title, place of publishing, and the publisher.
b. If an electronic source, the same as above except that in lieu of place of publisher and publisher, you type in a new sentence> Retrieved month, day, year from http:www.dajfkdjfljf.html
If you cannot find the author, you can write N.A. for 'No author'.
If you cannot find the date, you can write N.D. for 'No date'.
Friday, September 18, 2009
APA formatting templates
A number of you have been experiencing trouble learning how to use the templates in order to get your papers in proper APA formatting.
Formatting papers is far more than a cosmetic issue, it can mean the difference of me being able to read your paper in a few minutes or- an hour! to get thru your paper. It can mean the difference of you keeping your content on track and not going what we call going too far down 'the rabbit hole.'
Putting your paper in APA format need only take a few minutes once you are familiar with using them.
Attached you will find a template and also an example of a finished paper from a nutrition class that uses the same formatting. I will not ask you to know anymore about APA formatting other than what is on the template for the basic paper and just the two basic recipes for references at this stage of your college journey.
You are not alone, believe me and this is exactly why it is taking me so long to get your papers back to you. I have put this thread together here in the main so that perhaps everyone can commiserate and help each other out. If you have a tip for your class mates, do post it! That same person or someone else may help you out down the road.
In Environmental Studies and Paleo-ecology, we find species survive longer when they help each other out rather than compete. This is known as Commensalism. -Or sometimes as Environmentalists get jeered by the cable networks for being Socialists Communists- but do not add Fascism to that because it means the opposite of Communism :) lol
Many of you are hanging in there and your formatting is looking more and more beautiful and professional with each time you resubmit. You will get this down and a year from now you will say - I can't believe I couldn't do that then!
So be sure to respond to this post with either a tip or a question, or maybe just an emotion as to how rough it can be to make more room in your professional career for APA formatting.
A number of you have been experiencing trouble learning how to use the templates in order to get your papers in proper APA formatting.
Formatting papers is far more than a cosmetic issue, it can mean the difference of me being able to read your paper in a few minutes or- an hour! to get thru your paper. It can mean the difference of you keeping your content on track and not going what we call going too far down 'the rabbit hole.'
Putting your paper in APA format need only take a few minutes once you are familiar with using them.
Attached you will find a template and also an example of a finished paper from a nutrition class that uses the same formatting. I will not ask you to know anymore about APA formatting other than what is on the template for the basic paper and just the two basic recipes for references at this stage of your college journey.
You are not alone, believe me and this is exactly why it is taking me so long to get your papers back to you. I have put this thread together here in the main so that perhaps everyone can commiserate and help each other out. If you have a tip for your class mates, do post it! That same person or someone else may help you out down the road.
In Environmental Studies and Paleo-ecology, we find species survive longer when they help each other out rather than compete. This is known as Commensalism. -Or sometimes as Environmentalists get jeered by the cable networks for being Socialists Communists- but do not add Fascism to that because it means the opposite of Communism :) lol
Many of you are hanging in there and your formatting is looking more and more beautiful and professional with each time you resubmit. You will get this down and a year from now you will say - I can't believe I couldn't do that then!
So be sure to respond to this post with either a tip or a question, or maybe just an emotion as to how rough it can be to make more room in your professional career for APA formatting.
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