Thursday, January 7, 2010

Student finds error on date to turn in

Hi Candida,

Glad you are back and that you had an enjoyable break. It always helps me best to receive an exact copy and paste of what you are reading that led to the misunderstanding. I did look at the Week 8 Checkpoint Worksheet in the Course Materials room to find that while having moved all my due dates from Fridays to Saturdays for the Checkpoints, that I had indeed overlooked this on this specific resource and I should have changed that due date to Saturday so that it would be consistent with the Syllabus and the Class Calendar. Was this the resource you were speaking about?

As far as knowing the difference between the Checkpoint and the Assignment, I am looking at the posts in the main that have been there since break began and I see that the Checkpoint called Energy Resource Challenges Checkpoint is due on Saturday, and that the Energy Resource Plan Assignment is due Sunday like all other assignments as is on the Course Calendar and on the Syllabus.

The Checkpoint is asking you to fill in the Worksheet and the Assignment is a choice between turning in a PowerPoint Presentation OR a paper, your choice. Does this clear things up?

Karen H. SCI 275